In order to celebrate my new craft area, and as a way of getting better at crafting, I have decided to create something every day while the kids are out of school. Of course some days I'll be phoning it in and some days I'll be working on a larger project that can't be completed in one day, but at the very least I'll be posting my progress. I may also miss a few days here and there due to illness (mine or the kids) or travelling (people coming here, or us going there). But as many of you know, my goal is to sell some of my creations and the only way to get good at them, and build up an inventory, is to commit myself to making them.
And don't worry, this doesn't mean I won't see the light of day all summer. Quite the contrary! Because of the kids, 99% of my crafting happens after they go to bed and I've settled in to a Deadliest Catch marathon. Or Dr. Who. Or Parks and Recreation.
Anyway, it appears that I'm already behind in my goal as we've just started week three of the kids being out of school. However, a week of that was spent visiting my dad and I've managed to make a few things since then including a pillow case for Clark (which started out as me trying to teach the kids how to use a sewing machine and ended up with me working solo as soon as they realized I wasn't going to let them use the foot pedal without my assistance), a set of beads that turned into a bracelet for Lauren, a series of Mario-themed charms, some hair clips, a Pikachu charm, and a Pucca charm.
It's already clear to me that I won't be proud of all the items I share with you, and sometimes I will even be embarrassed. For example, as much as I enjoy the Pikachu charm, I very much dislike how I drew his face and would normally only show Dan and the kids. BUT this whole exercise is all about improvement and hopefully the next Pikachu I show you will be much better.
Thanks for being my witnesses as I go through this process.
And here's the stuff I've made thus far (all of the hair clip centers are made by me):
Today's offering. She hasn't been glazed yet as I keep having to fight off the children to get to her. |